Announcing Project Survival Media

Imagine on all seven continents, there are young people equipped to globally broadcast pivotal stories on impacts, struggles, and solutions. Imagine that you had one minute to tell negotiators how you wanted them to represent you. What would you say?

Announcing PROJECT SURVIVAL MEDIA. The brainchild of Journalist and Activist Shadia Fayne Wood, Project Survival Media is a project of Fired UP! Media and launched on August 11th in San Fransisco, California (read the launch update)

‘We are a global network of youth journalists reporting from the frontlines of the climate crisis in the lead up to COP 15. Our seven new media teams, one for each continent, will report on the most compelling climate stories from around the world, amplify voices underrepresented by traditional media, and launch “Survival” to the forefront of the political debate.’

This is an incredible project that has the potential to help shift our world. It has great leadership, great ideas and a youth network second to none behind it. Expect to hear more from it in the future. connection with Photoshelter

For quite some time now I have held a Photoshelter account. It has been used primarily in the background and for specific client requests. However, in an effort to make my stock images more available and it easier to search for images, it has now been integrated into

When you enter you will be given the option of ‘Images’, this will take you to my Photoshelter webpage.

Over the next few weeks I will be updating this webpage and making many more images available.

In Bonn – Inter-Intersessional

In Bonn – again….

United Nations Inter-Intersessional Climate talks.

The latest feedback from some friends that have been here all week….

The draft text for Copenhagen is too long so the negotiators are arguing about how to cut it down. We can’t confuse this with cutting it down, that would be moving too quickly, first they need to argue about how to cut it down.

Till next time, from Bonn with Love.

Oman for National Geographic Traveler – Photography Assignment

I am back from my assignment for the Netherlands version of National Geographic Traveler.

I must admit, the climate in the Netherlands is much more conducive to clear thinking. From the moment we stepped onto the tarmac in Oman, it was about heat and humidity. Please note, I have become accustomed to stepping out of airplanes and being greeted with a different climate, but stepping out of the plane in Muscat was like walking in to a brick wall of fire and water. It was +45 and humid. To survive in the Capital, Omanis travel between air conditioned atmospheres as quickly as possible. When one taxi driver was asked what they did before air conditioning and he simply responded, ‘It was bad’.

The interesting thing about Oman was the layer of modern paint applied over a multi-thousand year history. It has been modernized in 30 years and once you break through that layer of paint, it shows. However, I think that I will let Thijs Joosten, the writer and editor of NG Traveler tell us more when his article is published.

On another note, I have never been to such a harsh climate for photography gear. Even the Arctic was nicer. Oman has some serious heat and some serious humidity. Stepping outside during the day with your cameras, is like stepping into a swimming pool atmosphere, the lenses fog right up. And Oman has sand so fine a simple gust of wind blows it everywhere.

A tip for future travelers, don’t wear ‘flip flops’ in the desert, the sand that gets kicked up when you ‘flop’ is at a perfect angle to cover your camera on your shoulder.

National Geographic Photography Competition – Judging

A few weeks ago I received an email from the web editor at National Geographic here in the Netherlands informing me that every month they run a competition for amateur and semi-professional photographers.

Initially I was a little confused, I was set to head to Oman for the magazine and was wondering why I was being informed about this competition. However, when I read the second paragraph and realised they were asking me to judge the entries. I enthusiastically agreed. Judging that month’s images, (they narrowed it down to 12) and choosing the 3 that I felt were the strongest was quite interesting.

It was a unique experience to look at another person’s images critically, judging them against each other for composition, mood, emotion and technicality. There were some great images in the 12 that were sent to me and it was a tough decision to make. But, you can see the results of my choices here, take a look.

On Assignment – Oman

I haven’t been posting for a bit because I was in Prince Edward Island taking a break. I just wanted to say that I am back in the game, at least I will be when I return from this trip in Oman. I am on assignment for National Geographic Traveler and will be back in the Netherlands on the 8th. Till then…..

Getty Grants for Good – Finalist

Getty Grants for Good is a program that Getty images has recently started to acknowledge and support the work that photographers and non-profit organizations are doing to work together to create a better world. It is a unique grant program and this year saw over 400 proposals from over 26 different countries. Together with the Global Youth Action Network and Fired UP! Media, I put together a proposal to continue the work that I have been doing covering youth movements and climate change. Sadly, we were not chosen as the winner of this project but we were chosen as one of the outstanding finalists.

Read more about it on PDN Pulse or Earth Times.

Photographing the Aerial in Bonn

(Credit: Robert vanWaarden / Spectral Q)

The clock is ticking on the climate negotiations. Even whilst the talks are stalling, civil society is coming together in a powerful and impactful way.

John Quigley from Spectral Q created this phenomenal aerial image here in Bonn, Germany. An incredible coalition of NGOs came together to create this event and they engaged me to to capture it all. 45M in the air and trying to protect three cameras from the rain were the joys of this little job. It was phenomenal the way over 500 people in the rain and cold lay down on the grass to form this powerful aerial message.

Paraphrasing Obama we told leaders ‘YES YOU CAN’ reach a good deal in Copenhagen, You can see some photos here or here. Please download these images from the first address and share widely. (Be sure to credit Robert van Waarden / Spectral Q.)

The number 350 relates to parts per million. It is the level scientists have identified as the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere. But 350 is more than a number–it’s a symbol of where we need to head as a planet. I encourage you strongly to check out and consider hosting an event on October 24.

Opening United Nations Climate Change Talks in Bonn – Photography

crossposted from

Inspirational banners, music, drums and polar bears welcomed delegates to the thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies – SBSTA and SBI, sixth session of the AWG-LCA and the eighth session of the AWG-KP this morning at the Maritim Hotel in Bonn. Delegates in Bonn will be hammering out the draft text for the Conference of Parties (COP 15) in Copenhagen in December, 2009.

This important meeting will see an unprecedented level of youth engagement for an intercessional. Following on the successful participation at Bonn I, the international youth have descended on Bonn. Action factories, negotiator trackers,, a day of action and regular actions throughout the conference will remind the delegates that we are watching.

See more images from the first day in Bonn here. (©Robert van Waarden)

United Nations Climate Conference Negotiations – Photography Exhibit

(Thousands of youth from across the United States Rally on Capitol Hill demanding a green future.)

When the leaders and negotiators of the world converge on Bonn, Germany next week to draft the text for COP 15 in Copenhagen, the halls of the conference center will be decorated with images of the International Youth Climate Movement. I have been super busy with 15 images that will tell a variety of stories and reflect the commitement of the thousands of youth around the world that are fight to ensure their future. More to come on this shortly.