Climate Camp in the City, G20 Protests

A portfolio of images of the Climate Camp at BishopsGate, London during the G20 meetings in 2009. The members of climate camp took over the street and set up a tent city in front of the Carbon Exchange in London. The campers were protesting the current carbon trading schemes that the UN is incorporating in the global climate deals. They feel that these policies will not solve the current climate crisis. The campers spent the day playing games, cooking, dancing and generally having a good time. However, despite the camps strong policy of non-violence, the campers were violently attacked by members of the British police force. The tactics used by the police during the G20 resulted in one death and many complaints. The police actions have been condemned by review boards and many activists hope that they will be changed.

Climate Camp in the City – G20 – Images by Robert van Waarden

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